Monday, May 21, 2018


Rats brains are very small in size but are capable of holding a lot of information.  Rats learn very quickly compared to some animals.Image result for rat brain vs human brain real

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Ivan Pavlov is a physiologist who is known for his work in classical conditioning.  Pavlov constructed the well known experiments, "Pavlov's dogs".  John B. Watson is known for "Little Albert".

Pavlov studied the salvation of dogs after being fed.  He learned the dogs salivated when events occurred unrelated to feeding.  Pavlov placed the dogs in a room with a harness and with a bowl in front of them.  Pavlov would ring his bell then give the dogs food. After a few reps, the dogs salivated at the sound of the bell.

Little Albert who was 9 months old, was exposed to a series of stimuli including, a white rat, a rabbit, a monkey, masks, and burning newspaper.  Watson observed the babies reaction after seeing each stimuli.  The baby showed no fear to any stimuli.  Watson would show the white rat and would then make a loud noise by hitting a metal pipe with a hammer, along with showing the rat.  After repeatedly pairing the white rat with the loud noise, the baby cried at the sight of the white rat.
Image result for little albert and the white ratImage result for pavlov dogs and bells

The "Skinner Box" was created to conduct an experiment proving operant conditioning.  Skinner first placed a hungry rat inside the box.  After the rat adapted to the box, it started to explore.  The rat then found a lever where if you press it, food is released into the box.  After the food filled the rat, he pressed the lever again to fulfill its hunger.  This happened over and over again.  When the rat was placed in the box again, it immediately pressed the lever.  The action of pressing the lever is an operant response/behavior, and the food released into the box is the reward.

B F Skinner experiment

Monday, May 14, 2018

Does positive reinforcement work?

Positive reinforcement is an efficient way to enforce good behavior out of your pet. 

 Positive reinforcement can include food treats, praise, petting, or a favorite toy or game.

When your pet is learning a new behavior, reward him every time he does the behavior. This is called continuous reinforcement.

Once you start giving your dogs reinforcement, they will do that behavior more and more to receive the treat or praise.
Image result for positive reinforcement dogs

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Image result for mesolimbic dopamine system

Positive Reinforcement of animals

What is positive reinforcement? Positive reinforcement is a reward given following a desired behavior. Types of positive reinforcement include, a dog getting a treat for doing a trick, watching TV after doing your homework, or getting paid after working.

How does positive reinforcement work in the brain? 
The brain is trained to feed off of bursts of dopamine. Dopamine plays a major role in the motivational component of reward-motivated behavior.  The Mesolimbic Dopamine System is also known as the reward pathway.  This pathway is connected to the areas of the brain that controls memory and behavior.